Termly Overviews

On this page you can find information about what your children are learning this half term.

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Summer term 2

Where will stories take us?


The children in reception will embark on an exciting journey delving into the enchanting realm of traditional tales, including beloved classics like Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks. Through exploring these timeless narratives, they will delve into the structural elements of stories, unravelling key features such as the beginning, middle, and end.


This project will be anchored around a pressing real-world issue: the potential closure of our local library due to dwindling interest in the books lining its shelves. In response to this challenge, the children will undertake the task of creating and publishing their very own short classical tale. By crafting narratives that captivate young imaginations, they aim to reignite children’s enthusiasm for reading and foster a lifelong love for literature.

Learning Objectives

  • To be able to identify basic key features of a story. 
  • To be able to innovate traditional tale  
  • To be able to write a story using both phonetically plausible words and correctly spelt words

Core Texts

  • Little Red Riding Hood 
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Learning Opportunities and Experiences

  • Discovery Story centre 
  • Stratford library 
  • Stepney farm 
  • Traditional tales read by members of the community
  • Visit from a Local councillor


Throughout this half term, the children will be immersed in a rich and varied curriculum, particularly focusing on exciting and engaging mathematical concepts. They will delve into a diverse range of topics, covering number composition, shapes and  space, number operations, and basic multiplication and division using informal methods.

The children will explore various mathematical concepts, including doubling numbers up to 10 and 20, identifying 3D shapes by name, and understanding their basic properties. As they progress, they will move on to mastering basic number operations such as addition and subtraction within the range of 20



Throughout the remainder of this half term, the children in Reception will further solidify their understanding of the graphene correspondence, encompassing sets one and two. Additionally, they will begin to explore set 3 sounds, with the exception of split digraphs, which will be introduced in Year One.

Moreover, the children will continue to apply their phonetic knowledge by constructing sentences that are phonetically plausible and legible. This skill enables them to produce sentences that can be read and understood by others, contributing to their overall literacy development.

Throughout the academic year, the children have explored a range of personal, social, and emotional development topics, including self-regulation, making friends, and managing oneself. In this final term, they will have the opportunity to further consolidate their understanding of these concepts through the lens of our 360 values.

The children will engage in activities and scenarios that illustrate how our values can be demonstrated in various situations. They will also be encouraged to reflect on areas where they can improve in embodying these values. Additionally, as a cohort, we will collectively explore how our internal emotional state, often referred to as our ‘inside. weather’, can impact those around us and influence our individual well-being

Throughout the term, our focus will be on working with the children to further develop their attention and self-regulation skills through mindfulness practices. These exercises aim to enhance their ability to focus, regulate emotions, and manage stress effectively. By incorporating mindfulness into our children’s daily routine, we aspire to equip them with valuable tools that will support their overall well-being and academic success. Additionally, we will continue to utilise tools such as the zones of regulation and inside weather to help the children focus on improving their emotional literacy.

Throughout the term, the children will continue to consolidate their phonics knowledge of Set 1 and Set 2 sounds. As a year group, we will be progressing to learning Set 3 digraphs and trigraphs, which comprise two or three-letter combinations representing a single sound. Our aim is for the children to gain confidence in applying these sounds in their independent writing through consistent practice. We encourage parents to support this process by engaging their children in purposeful writing activities such as creating birthday cards, composing shopping lists, jotting down recipes, and exploring other enjoyable reasons to write.

Year 1

Summer term 2

What are the ingredients of a story?


Children will be learning about the narrative structure found in traditional tales (e.g. Little Red Riding Hood) to develop their understanding of how to write short narratives. Once they understand the crucial ingredients of a narrative, they will use this knowledge to construct their own stories and eventually, innovate a familiar tale.


Learning Objectives

  • Identify key features of the narrative genre
  • Innovate a traditional tale
  • Re-reading and editing our work 
  • Explore alternative perspectives within well-known tales

Core Text/s

  • Little Red Riding Hood 
  • The Wolf’s Story: What Really Happened to Little Red Riding Hood

Learning Opportunities & Experiences

  • Stratford Discovery Centre
  • Stratford Library



  • Estimate positions of numbers/groups of objects on a number line
  • Estimating amounts
  • Solve a range of addition and subtraction problems with flexible strategies
  • Understand 2-digit numbers as 10s and 1s

Shape & Space

  • Decompose shapes into new shapes
  • Perform slides and flips 


  • Understand cubes as filling space
  • Explore squares as a unit of measure



Writing to entertain:

  • Sequencing sentences to form short narratives
  • Identify key features of a narrative
  • Use adjectives to describe characters and setting


Grammar & spelling

  • Adjectives, adverbs, relative clause (who), time conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions, similies
  • Compound words, -un prefix, words ending in -y, adding -er and -est to adjectives, adding -s and -es to words (plural)


  • To use a computer to write
  • To add and remove text on a computer 
  • To identify that the look of text can be changed on a computer
  • To make careful choices when changing text
  • To explain why I used the tools that I chose
  • To compare typing on a computer to writing on paper



East London Dance company will be delivering workshops for PE this half term


Art, DT


  • Build a home for a baby animal or human, considering what they will need to have in it (indoor construction kit, Lego)
  • Build a den in the garden that can shade plants getting too much sun, and considers how the sun might move during the day (den building kit)


Manage own hygiene by washing and drying their hands 

  • Juice fruit
  • Blend ingredients together
  • Cut ingredients safely and hygienically
  • Peel ingredients safely and hygienically
  • Grate ingredients safely and hygienically



  • Ask simple scientific questions 
  • Observe experiments closely and report what happened in the experiment 
  • Use simple equipment to perform simple experiments 
  • Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees 
  • Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
  • Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air)


Kindness: Look after your body and your mind, be kind to yourself.


  • Identify big emotions and personalised strategies to manage these
  • Practise kindness to self throughout the day, through the choices you make

Topic: Recognising emotions


  • Recognising emotions 
  • Stop & breathe
  • Noticing choices 
  • Saying thank you
  • Being kind to ourselves
  • How does worry feel in the body?

Year 2

Summer term 1

How can we protect our world so animals and plants can survive in them?


This half term we will be exploring habitats and what we can do to protect them. We will learn about what animals need to survive. We will look at micro habitats and ecosystems to understand how plants and animals depend on each other. We will be thinking about how animals are able to survive in places that humans can’t. We will also be thinking about human impact on habitats and what we can do to protect habitats in order for plants and animals to survive.


Learning Objectives

  • Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults 
  • Find out about basic needs of animals for survival 
  • Identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants and how they depend on each other 
  • Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including micro habitats 
  • Describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food 
  • Observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants (flowers).
  • Find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.



Core Text/s

  • Where The Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak
  • The Wild Woods Simon James
  • The Squirrel and The Lost Treasure Coralie Bickford-Smith 
  • Wild Emily Hughes 
  • Greta and the Giants Zoë Tucker


Learning Opportunities & Experiences

The Line Art & Nature Walk

The Soanes Centre Pond Dipping



  • Classification and Data Handling: Collect data and discuss features of the data set. Begin to understand averages, probabilities and variation. Classify according to multiple attributes. Compare graphs and data sets of the same size.
  • Fractions: Move beyond fractions as part of a whole to fraction as a number. Add and subtract simple common fractions using physical models
  • Measure – Length: Subdivide a unit of length at least into halves. Estimate accurately.
  • Shape and Space: Use properties explicitly to describe shapes. Identify most 3D shapes using several of their properties to describe. Identify common 3D shapes by their net.



This half term we will be looking at descriptive writing and storytelling.

  • Statements, questions & exclamations & commands
  • Subordination and coordination
  • Expanded noun phrases (e.g.the huge, looming tree)
  • Past and present tense (inc. progressive) 
  • Standard English repeat (e.g. I was, we were)
  • Singular possessive apostrophe (e.g. Max’s mission)
  • Contractions (e.g don’t wouldn’t)
  • Power of three description (e.g. the chaotic, colourful and cunning team)
  • Capital letters, question marks and full stops


Computing & Music 

This half term children will be creating and editing music digitally.

  • To say how music can make us feel
  • To identify that there are patterns in music
  • To show how music is made from a series of notes
  • To create music for a purpose
  • To review and refine our computer work


Art, Design & Technology

Children will be looking at artists who use nature and natural materials in their work as inspiration to create their own art pieces.

  • Know how to produce a rubbing and experiment with a variety of media for rubbings
  •  Understand that sculptures are not always permanent
  • Collect and arrange objects to produce an interesting composition, explaining their choices in simple terms
  •  Be able to describe the work of Andy Goldworthy and how it has influenced their own work.



This half term children will be receiving 6 weeks of dance lessons delivered by East London Dance Company.



Aspire to affect social change – the world is my responsibility




Bodily Awareness

Children will receive weekly challenges to complete at home alongside adults via ‘Learning with Parents’. The challenges will be hands on play based activities and alternate between Maths and Literacy activities.