Termly Overviews
Autumn term 1
Who are we?
- Project overview
The project this term is focused on developing an understanding of who we are and what makes us special as well as understanding how we can celebrate our differences. The students will work towards creating a self-portrait that will be showcased at the end of term exhibition. The children will have the opportunity to draft their self-portraits after receiving feedback to support their artistic journeys to create a self portrait that best reflects them and who they are.
Learning Objectives
- Who am I?
- What makes me special?
- How can I learn more about others?
- What makes our class special? (similarities and differences)
Core Text/s
- Do you want to be my friend? – Eric Carle
- Night Monkey, Day Monkey – Julia Donaldson
Learning Opportunities & Experiences
- Year 1 classroom
- Rooftop garden
- Oracy staircase
- Art exhibition for children’s self portraits
- Subject focus
Over the next half term the children will be developing their subitising skills. Subitising is the ability to look at a small number of objects and instantly recognise how many objects there are without needing to count.
Additionally, we will be focusing on developing a deep understanding of numbers one to five. This will include the children learning the composition of numbers such as two and three make five.
We will also focus on teaching the early maths concept of one-to-one correspondence through embedding the understanding that counting can only be done by counting each object in a set once with one touch per object.
Later on in the term we are going to start looking at shape and space with the intention of the children starting to recognise different shapes.
Initially in Phonics the focus will be on using the children’s listening skills to support their development of hearing initial sounds.
Later in the term, the children will be introduced to initial sounds using the phonics scheme Read Write inc.
- Values
As the children start their first term of school, they will be introduced to the school value of responsibility.
Over the course of the term the children will learn how to be responsible members of a class and the wider School 360 community.
- Mindfulness
This half term the children will be introduced to the early concepts of mindfulness in an age appropriate way. This will be approached through the use of guided group activities such as group mediations and breathing exercises.This will support the children in developing self-regulation strategies to manage their emotions as they transition into school life.
- Home learning
Please read with your child at least once a day.
Please have discussions with your child about your family structure including who is special to them and why.
Entertain conversations with your child about similarities and differences and what makes people individuals and unique.
Year 1
Autumn term 1
What is a role model?
- Project overview
In this project, children will explore the importance of role models in the school setting. What does a role model do and how can they influence the school community in a positive way? The children will identify different ways to welcome our new students and how their own responsibilities have changed now that they are Year 1 students. Alongside this, children will be introduced to woodworking with the aim to create a frame for their Reception buddy for the end of term exhibition.
Learning Objectives
- Building positive relationships
- Use a range of materials creatively to design and make products
- Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks (cutting, shaping, joining and finishing)
Core Text/s
- The Spots & The Dots – Helen Baugh
Learning Opportunities & Experiences
- Visit to National Portrait Gallery
- Introduction to woodwork
- Exhibition at local art gallery
- Subject focus
- Count objects accurately to 30
- Count from numbers other than 1
- Determine numbers just after or just before
- Count to 100 making decade transitions (e.g. 29 to 30)
- Know number combinations to total of 10
- Double to 20
- Revise knowledge of Set 2 and learn Set 3 sounds
- Introduce split digraphs or ‘chatty friends’ e.g. a-e in made, came
- Continue to work on ‘holding a sentence’; writing simple sentences with finger spaces and a full stop
- Practise speedy reading
- Develop awareness of syllables
- Introduce cursive handwriting
Introduction to weekly PE lessons including safety, routines and expectations with coach Chris.
Learning new songs that we haven’t learnt before in other languages.
Mastering independent use of iPad for uploading ‘must do’ tasks.
Design & Technology
- Design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves and others based on design criteria
- Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks (cutting, shaping, joining and finishing)
- Select from a wide range of materials and components
- Evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria
- use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features, including: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather
Use the science skills of ‘identifying and classifying’ to sort animals by habitat or other distinguishing features.
- Use a range of materials creatively to design and make products
- Use painting to develop and share their ideas and imagination
- Develop range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
- Values
This half-term we will focus on the values of responsibility and curiosity as we build relationships with the new members of our school community.
- Mindfulness
Experience awareness of the body in motion
Explore movement and stillness
Develop awareness of others
Explore different breathing techniques
- Home learning
- Home Learning
- Re-set routines and expectations for daily reading
- Use the phonics Padlet to practise sounds and skills, this is updated as we learn new content
Year 2
Summer term 1
How can we protect our world so animals and plants can survive in them?
- Project overview
This half term we will be exploring habitats and what we can do to protect them. We will learn about what animals need to survive. We will look at micro habitats and ecosystems to understand how plants and animals depend on each other. We will be thinking about how animals are able to survive in places that humans can’t. We will also be thinking about human impact on habitats and what we can do to protect habitats in order for plants and animals to survive.
Learning Objectives
- Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
- Find out about basic needs of animals for survival
- Identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants and how they depend on each other
- Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including micro habitats
- Describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food
- Observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants (flowers).
- Find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.
Core Text/s
- Where The Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak
- The Wild Woods Simon James
- The Squirrel and The Lost Treasure Coralie Bickford-Smith
- Wild Emily Hughes
- Greta and the Giants Zoë Tucker
Learning Opportunities & Experiences
The Line Art & Nature Walk
The Soanes Centre Pond Dipping
- Subject focus
- Classification and Data Handling: Collect data and discuss features of the data set. Begin to understand averages, probabilities and variation. Classify according to multiple attributes. Compare graphs and data sets of the same size.
- Fractions: Move beyond fractions as part of a whole to fraction as a number. Add and subtract simple common fractions using physical models
- Measure – Length: Subdivide a unit of length at least into halves. Estimate accurately.
- Shape and Space: Use properties explicitly to describe shapes. Identify most 3D shapes using several of their properties to describe. Identify common 3D shapes by their net.
This half term we will be looking at descriptive writing and storytelling.
- Statements, questions & exclamations & commands
- Subordination and coordination
- Expanded noun phrases (e.g.the huge, looming tree)
- Past and present tense (inc. progressive)
- Standard English repeat (e.g. I was, we were)
- Singular possessive apostrophe (e.g. Max’s mission)
- Contractions (e.g don’t wouldn’t)
- Power of three description (e.g. the chaotic, colourful and cunning team)
- Capital letters, question marks and full stops
Computing & Music
This half term children will be creating and editing music digitally.
- To say how music can make us feel
- To identify that there are patterns in music
- To show how music is made from a series of notes
- To create music for a purpose
- To review and refine our computer work
Art, Design & Technology
Children will be looking at artists who use nature and natural materials in their work as inspiration to create their own art pieces.
- Know how to produce a rubbing and experiment with a variety of media for rubbings
- Understand that sculptures are not always permanent
- Collect and arrange objects to produce an interesting composition, explaining their choices in simple terms
- Be able to describe the work of Andy Goldworthy and how it has influenced their own work.
This half term children will be receiving 6 weeks of dance lessons delivered by East London Dance Company.
- Values
Aspire to affect social change – the world is my responsibility
- Mindfulness
Bodily Awareness
- Home learning
Children will receive weekly challenges to complete at home alongside adults via ‘Learning with Parents’. The challenges will be hands on play based activities and alternate between Maths and Literacy activities.