Welcome back to The Circle! At School 360 we aim to take the children out of school as regularly as possible so that they are engaging authentically with the world around them. We believe this helps them to feel they are an important part of their community and empowered to make it better. Thank you for your support in helping this to be a success, whether it’s giving us suggestions, accompanying on trips or asking your children about their experiences. It all makes a difference. Enjoy this week's newsletter and have a wonderful weekend when it arrives! Best wishes, Andi and team

Reception – Kindness

This week, the children in Reception have been deeply engaged in their writing, creating missing posters for the Everywhere Bear. They have shown so much kindness and thoughtfulness while working on their posters.

Year 1- Joy

On Monday, Year 1 had the incredible opportunity to see the iconic London landmarks on a boat down the River Thames. It was a real joy watching the children's excitement as they spotted the landmarks we’ve been learning about. They even impressed the river cruise guide by correctly naming the Tower of Big Ben as Elizabeth Tower, with Big Ben being the bell inside! Afterward, they had a wonderful time playing and exploring at a nearby park. So much Joy!

Year 2 – Curiosity

This week the children have been investigating the different habitats that their chosen endangered animal has come from. They then worked in teams to create a shoe box model of the habitat. It was lovely seeing them show our value of kindness when working together in their teams.

Year 3 – Joy

Year 3 visited Polka Children’s theatre this week to watch The Nutcracker. They had a wonderful time and got to be immersed in the experience taking on the role of mice from the audience. To prepare they made their own sets of mouse ears and they also got a ton of ideas for their upcoming production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Community Corner:

Community Garden now open on Saturdays

We planted the willow cuttings on either side of the logs, planted lots of daffodils and some more herbs in the bed around the Cornus kousa tree and I shifted some more compost and soil across and replanted another one of the apple trees.

Please fill in this form – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1h53zjtw8QHmFf7HgLRDkjGgMxlv4ioHHEgQqzs7Qtes/viewform?edit_requested=true – and use this link to join the WhatsApp group for more information and to let us know if you would like to attend – https://chat.whatsapp.com/JX6D7JWzdVTIjhWsTtNwXi.

My Big Idea: DLR

FREE Half Term Event for Families at School 360

Saturday 22nd February 2025, 10am – 4pm

What might the future of travel look like? At this FREE event for families, children aged 12 and under will come up with their big ideas for the future of travel and bring those ideas to life with junk modelling, LEGO and coding. Get your FREE tickets now!


We value your input! Please take this Survey to help in the development of AI use in schools throughout the trust.

Love 4 reading

To promote the love of reading, we give every child a book for their birthday that they can keep and this is supported through your kind donations. Thank you to everyone who has donated books so far. We really appreciate it. If you'd like to donate more books, here's the link: Love4Reading Each purchase benefits the school and helps us buy even more books! Even better, share the link with friends and family. Thank you!

Short Survey on Barriers to Healthy Eating

Please could you take a moment to fill out this brief survey from a third-year medical student Barriers to Healthy eating


After School club updates


Mondays & Thursdays – Multisports

Wednesday-Introduction to Drama

Years – Reception only

Coaches – Jamie & Matteo

Numbers – 20 child capacity

Sessions – 6

Friday – Drama club

February Half-term

Monday 17th – Friday 21st

Early drop 7:30am

9am – 3:30pm

Late pick up – 5pm

Football club!


Football club 15.15-16.15pm

Year Groups 1,2,3

Start date: Wednesday 8th January 2025

End date: Wednesday 12th February 2025

Please click on the link below to secure your place limited spaces available



Football club 15.15-16.15pm

Year Groups R,1,2,3

This class will be split into two groups

Start date: Friday 10th January 2025

End date: Friday 14th February 2025

Please click on the link below to secure your place limited spaces available


Football club will run for six consecutive weeks, the price will be £30 for the term.

Children are welcome to bring a healthy snack and bottle of water.

For any queries please use the contact details below;


Phone: 07511400986

Email: [email protected] Jumper day

Tuesday 17th December

Please donate £1 or any amount you can to support our chicken fundraiser.

Breakfast Club and After School club

Link to pay for breakfast club and the school trip:

We will be moving our Student Management Information System (MIS) to Arbor in September 2024 and we are no longer using Reach More Parents (WEDUC) to take online payments for trips and the breakfast club. Please use this link to purchase breakfast club places and for trip payments.

Breakfast club opens from 7:50am Children need to arrive before 8.30 to join the breakfast club. If parents arrive at 8.30 or later they will be asked to wait at the main gate until 8.40, because the breakfast club is closed and children are already being taken to their various classes. If a child arrives a few minutes before the club closes, they can still eat breakfast in the classroom as we would never want a child to go without breakfast. It’s the case for all parents that if they let a member of staff know in the morning that their child hasn’t eaten breakfast, they will always be offered and encouraged to eat something as this is best for their wellbeing and learning. ​

We will be asking for a contribution of £2 per day. We can offer a discount for siblings and this cost does not affect families eligible for Free School Meals. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the School office and we will do our best to help.Thanks for your understanding.

After School club

Premier Wraparound will run after school every day the school is open, subject to demand/minimum bookings being met. For booking enquiries please contact [email protected] or Sophie Morris, [email protected] alternatively you can call on 01953499040 / 07857987693

Attendance Matters – every day counts

This week the average whole school attendance went down to 91.72% and our target is 97%. The class with the highest attendance this week was Reception class well done! Thank you for your efforts in making sure your children are here on time every day. If you ever need support with this – please let us know. You can email the office or speak to your child’s class teacher.

Diary Dates:

Here are some important upcoming events for your calendar, please make a note of them!

Year 1 trip to see landmarks – Monday 20th January 8am – 3pm

Y3 trip to Polka Theatre to see The Nutcracker – Thursday 23rd January 8:45am – 1:30pm

Y1 parents maths workshop – Friday 7th of February 9am – 9:30am

Half-term holiday – Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February

Staff INSET – Early school closure on Tuesday 25th February at 1:30pm

Community Cafe is open to the wider community and runs every Thursday from 9am – 11.30am. Please donate to the foodbank if you are able to.

Key Dates:

Half-term holiday – Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February

Staff INSET – Early school closure on Tuesday 25th February at 1:30pm

Chefs in Schools menu

All our meals are cooked daily with fresh ingredients. Click here to find out more about Chefs in Schools.

Week 1 – Week commencing 06.01.2025

Week 2 – Week commencing 13.01.2025

Week 3 – Week commencing 20.01.2025

Further news

Newsletter cover


The Circle, Issue 112, 31.01.2025 - Come and read about what the children have been...

Newsletter cover


The Circle, Issue 110, 17.01.2025 - Come and read about what the children have been...

Newsletter cover


The Circle, Issue 109, 10.01.2025 - Come and read about what the children have been...