Welcome back to The Circle! This week has been a very special week at School 360. It is the start of Black History Month and I had the pleasure of taking the Year 3 children to a social club in Manor Park for elderly people, mostly from the Caribbean. It was moving to see the children show so much interest in their stories and to learn about the wonderful contributions that this generation of Black individuals have made to the UK. Everyday, we encourage kindness and acceptance within our school community and it makes me incredibly proud to see them living these values. Shana Tova to all those celebrating Jewish New Year! Best wishes, Andi

Our Values in Action:

Reception – Joy

Despite the wet weather, Reception's spirit is soaring this week—quite the opposite of dampened! The rain has led to delightful mud-filled adventures, with children joyfully creating concoctions in our muddy kitchen and building structures to catch water. They're also learning to dress appropriately for the rain, fostering their independence as they manage putting on their wet weather gear.

Year 1 – Curiosity

This week, the Year 1 children have shown a lot of curiosity while interviewing their Reception buddies. The purpose of the survey conducted by Year 1 was to discover the Reception children's preferences for the frames. It was a fantastic opportunity for both year groups to spend time together in the Reception setting and collaborate on this exciting project. We’re looking forward to seeing the results showcased in our autumn exhibition!

Year 2 – Responsibility

Year 2 has been working hard on their healthy cafe! They have been finding different healthy recipes and have explained why they want those items. They have also learnt about bossy verbs and have been playing a game of ‘I say’ to practise giving and following different instructions.

Year 3 – Curiosity and Kindness

Year 3 visited the Manor Park social club and spoke with men and women from the Windrush generation. They played drums, sang songs and had wonderful, insightful conversations with the members about their experiences of coming to the UK from the West Indies. They also were lucky enough to meet Andi’s father who said they were an absolute joy to have!

Community Corner:

Love 4 reading

Thank you to everyone who has donated books so far. We really appreciate it. If you'd like to donate more books, here's the link: Love4Reading Each purchase benefits the school and helps us buy even more books! Even better, share the link with friends and family. Thank you!

Community cafe:

Come and join us at our Community Cafe every Thursday from 9-11:30am!

Bikes and scooters

Thank you to all parents and families that are reminding their children to walk with their bike or scooter in the playground – keep it up! Please remember, if you are leaving a bike or scooter at school, use the spaces at the back and work forwards so that we can use the storage most effectively.


Term-time holidays and absences

We would like to remind all parents that we cannot approve holidays taken during term time. Several parents have taken children on holiday at the start of this academic year, which has negatively impacted their attendance records. We must report these absences to the Local Authority, and penalties may be issued in some cases. We encourage parents to use the two-week half-term break for longer family holidays to avoid unauthorised absences. If you take your child out of school during term-time for any reason, please notify the office and complete a term-time absence form to update the child's record.

After School club updates!

F.R.E.D.S Club!

After School club updates!

October Half-term:

Holiday Club

Friday 18th October – INSET DAY

Monday 21st October – 25th – Monday 28th -1st November –

F.R.E.D.S After School Club!

Monday & Thursdays – Multisports

Friday – Drama club

Football club!

Wednesday – 15.15-16.15pm

Year Groups 1,2,3

Friday – 15.15-16.15pm

Year Groups R,1,2,3


Phone: 07511400986

Email: [email protected]

Breakfast Club and After School club

Link to pay for breakfast club and the school trip:

We will be moving our Student Management Information System (MIS) to Arbor in September 2024 and we are no longer using Reach More Parents (WEDUC) to take online payments for trips and the breakfast club. Please use this link to purchase breakfast club places and for trip payments.

Breakfast club opens from 7:50am Children need to arrive before 8.30 to join the breakfast club. If parents arrive at 8.30 or later they will be asked to wait at the main gate until 8.40, because the breakfast club is closed and children are already being taken to their various classes. If a child arrives a few minutes before the club closes, they can still eat breakfast in the classroom as we would never want a child to go without breakfast. It’s the case for all parents that if they let a member of staff know in the morning that their child hasn’t eaten breakfast, they will always be offered and encouraged to eat something as this is best for their wellbeing and learning. ​

We will be asking for a contribution of £2 per day. We can offer a discount for siblings and this cost does not affect families eligible for Free School Meals. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the School office and we will do our best to help.Thanks for your understanding.

After School club

Premier Wraparound will run after school every day the school is open, subject to demand/minimum bookings being met. For booking enquiries please contact [email protected] or Sophie Morris, [email protected] alternatively you can call on 01953499040 / 07857987693

Attendance Matters – every day counts

This week the average whole school attendance went up to 92.42% and our target is 97%. The class with the highest attendance this week was Malala class, well done! Thank you for your efforts in making sure your children are here on time every day. If you ever need support with this – please let us know. You can email the office or speak to your child’s class teacher.

Diary Dates:

Here are some important upcoming events for your calendar, please make a note of them!

Swimming Year 2 only – Monday 7th October – 17th October 10am – 12pm

NCMP Measurement RECEPTION only – Tuesday 15th October 9:30am

Dan’s Community drinks cart – Thursday 17th October 3:15pm – 4pm

Last day of term – Thursday 17th October


Half-term Holiday – Friday 18th October – Friday 1st November

First day back to School – Monday 4th November

Flu vaccination – Tuesday 12th November

INSET DAY – Friday 22nd November (School closed)

Community Cafe is open to the wider community and runs every Thursday from 9am – 11.30am

Key Dates:

Last day of term – Thursday 17th October

Half-term Holiday – Friday 18th October – Friday 1st November

First day back to School – Monday 4th November

INSET DAY – Friday 22nd November (School closed)

Further news

Newsletter cover


The Circle, Issue 112, 31.01.2025 - Come and read about what the children have been...

Newsletter cover


The Circle, Issue 111, 24.01.2025 - Come and read about what the children have been...

Newsletter cover


The Circle, Issue 110, 17.01.2025 - Come and read about what the children have been...